Monday, March 26, 2012

Baptismal Certificate

Last night when my mother ask me what is the name of the church in Tibungco because she forgot,I said I forgot too but I remember to check my son and daughter's baptismal certificate because they baptized on that church. When I saw there baptismal certificate the first thing that I noticed is not the name of the church it is the name of my son. I'm really shocked because it's been a long time when my son baptized then only now I notice that it has a mistake. My son baptized on 2005 but only now I notice that my son's name has a miske. Supposed to be my son's name is John Angelo Paculanan Perez, Paculanan is his middle name and Perez is the family name but in his baptismal certificate is writing John Angelo P. Paculanan. I'm wonder why they mistake because one of the requirements I gave to them is my son birth certificate, why they mistake? It is human error and I need to change it early so that it will not make a problem to my son in the future. It's make me worried now, hopefully it will change as soon as possible.

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